Transparent Led Screen

Transparent LED Display At MOL Campus In Budapest


MOL Campus, a campus for oil and gas professionals located in Budapest, Hungary, recently installed a transparent LED display from Dynamo LED Displays. The screen is located on one of the campus’ main buildings and features an images of content showing the new company logo as well as what’s on around the campus during the week. According to Daniel Reynolds from Dynamo LED Displays, there are many great ways to use this kind of technology: “For instance, it can be used as a billboard or for digital signage.”

The transparent LED display by Dynamo LED Displays uses the latest technology, and can be used both indoors and outdoors.

The transparent LED display by Dynamo LED Displays uses cable free LED cabinets, high bright LEDs and can be used both indoors and outdoors. The display has a resolution of 1792 x 512 pixels with a pixel pitch of 7.7 vertically and 3.8 horizontally and can be configured to show different images based on what message you want to convey. A wide range of options are available when it comes to this type of advertising method: from using a smart phone or tablet to selecting the images yourself via our online platform, we can help you create an interactive experience that works perfectly for you.

MOL Campus is the largest education facility for oil and gas professionals. It opens in 2023, and has a capacity of up to 3,000 students.

The campus was built by Foster and Partner architects. The 3,000 students at MOL Campus will be learning about the oil and gas profession, so it’s important for them to have an engaging environment that inspires them to succeed. The new facility is the largest education facility for oil and gas professionals in all of Europe and will host students from many nations when fully completed. Transparent Screen

But why would you need a transparent LED display?

According to Daniel Reynolds from Dynamo, there are many great ways to use it: “For instance, it can be used as a billboard, or for digital signage. “It’s true that smart marketers have been using this kind of technology for years now. In fact, it’s becoming one of the most popular ways to reach your audience because consumers love what they see when they walk past an illuminated sign or window display. It catches their attention and keeps them interested long enough for them to pause and take notice of what you’re offering.

“The screen is designed to focus on the content, not on itself,” says Daniel Reynolds.

“We wanted it to be an attractive backdrop that would complement the content but not overwhelm it. “The result is a display that allows light through the front and is see through from the back. It can be used in a variety of ways: as a standalone display showing images and video, or as part of an interactive installation where users can interact with various parts of it.

Transparent Led Display

This unique transparent LED display enables many new possibilities of using video in architecture and design.

The screen is designed to focus on the content, not on itself, so you can consider it as a billboard or digital signage. You can use it both indoors and outdoors.

Another Dynamo Installation Goes To Plan

I think we can safely say that this is one of the most impressive installations of a transparent LED display we’ve ever seen. It’s one thing to have an interesting design, but it takes another level of sophistication to make that design functional and useful for a variety of purposes. And if all goes according to plan, I can’t wait until we see more transparent displays like this in public spaces around the world!
Daniel Reynolds
Daniel Reynolds
In 2013 I set up the company Dynamo Led Displays Ltd. We have since established ourselves as major players within the LED industry and been involved in many innovative projects as well as working with some of the worlds leading companies.

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